An unassuming building at the top of Wiltshire Lane
Was where our education made the teaching staff insane.
It's where we learned to follow rules, with all their dont's and do's
We wore our tasselled loafers and our chunky platform shoes.
We'd laugh at Pink Amoeba, and imitate the rest
We'd snigger in biology at any mention of a breast.
We'd talk to the St Nick's boys through a hole made in the fence
We'd be looking out for teachers before the flirting could commence.
We smoked under the willow tree and hid behind the stage
And when it was exam time, we'd stare blankly at the page.
We'd sit with bunsen burner, in the science lab we'd be
We'd look out of the window and see Doug Banks up a tree!
We'd beg for roast potatoes from the dinner lady's pile
And extra chocolate krispies would make our day worthwhile.
We'd take things from the cupboard at Domestic Science time
And before the teacher caught us, we would leave the scene of crime.
They'd check your flannel knickers by lifting up your skirt
And hurdling and javelin were just designed to hurt!
We all shook hands with Nellie at the end of every year
And she would look right through you and fill your heart with fear.
And yet we kept on going to that place in Wiltshire Lane
To meet our friends and socialise and make the staff insane.
Ha! You crack me up.