
Monday, 31 August 2015

Day 31:


So, here it is, the final day. What better way to end than on my son's 18th birthday. A milestone for him and me too. He has become an adult and maybe one day, I will become one too!! 
It's been quite a "journey" for me, a mixture of feelings and emotions. Fear mostly! Fear of being judged or not saying the right thing, the usual craziness inside my head.
I hope I have helped a few people to understand what BPD is and how it affects the lives of people like myself. How it cripples you, controls you and becomes who you are.
I started to write when I found out it was BPD awareness month. It was like my mind gave me "permission" to do it. That's the only way I can describe it. There was a purpose behind it, a valid reason if you like. I was still scared of being judged but my need to tell people about it, outweighed that. I hope that people will not be too quick to judge other people who may be a little bit different. Who may not fit in or have some kind of strange quirk or odd behaviour. No-one knows their back story. No-one knows what they have been through and indeed will never know unless you give them a bit of your time or simply a kind word. Be aware of someone else's pain. HEAR WHAT THEY'RE NOT SAYING!
Thank you to the people that have read my posts and have liked or commented on them. Especially the people I have mentioned before:
Heather Johns, Rosina Bailey, Denise Drammis, Ian Johns, Jeanette Hart, Mike Evans and Julie Nogales ( day 30) . I have also had some kind words from a few family members that I am not usually in touch with. Thank you to them too. Of course, my children deserve the most thanks. For being there, seeing it first hand, but loving me regardless. No doubt I will continue to struggle with life but I will still try to fight on. I hope I will be brave enough to comment on other people's posts sometimes or just say hello. Maybe i will fade back into obscurity, who knows.........

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Dear Therapist.

Hear what I’m not saying, know when I’m not playing
Listen to my heartbeat, I’m sitting in the hot seat
Sense my mood when talking, see the steps I’m walking
Look beneath my eyes, don’t listen to the lies
Feel my inner weakness, overlook the meekness
See beyond the mask, this is all I ask.

Saturday, 29 August 2015


There is a place lies deep within, where I don’t wish to go 

Where pain resides with memories, that I don’t wish to know

A place so deep inside myself, I don’t know where it’s hidden

It’s somewhere buried under lies and things that are forbidden

I’ll keep it there where I am safe, not acknowledge it’s existence

Keep it buried from myself and fight on with persistence

Friday, 28 August 2015


With perseverance and conviction
You fought against the friction
You were placed into a cage
To contain that power and rage....
Your life was changed forever with your freedom being stopped
But they couldn’t tame your character and your hope was never dropped
With forgiveness in your heart and sheer determination
You had twenty seven years to rely on rumination
Were you ever tempted to live up to your own name?
To be a troublemaker or to hang your head in shame?
Did you ever think about your wasted days inside?
Or did your sense of justice make you swell with human pride?
I wish that I had been there to make your burden lighter
You truly were a warrior and a freedom fighter

Thursday, 27 August 2015


I'm reminded of a poem that I read so long ago
It gave me information that I really didn't know
It told the thrilling story called "The day of the mayfly"
It simply stated just one line: Eat, sleep, shag, die!

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

For Shay....

My son, you never met him
You never saw his face
You didn't see his laughter
 But you've stepped into his place

My son, you didn't know him
He would have been so proud
I would have let you touch him
If I had been allowed

You know you look just like him
Your heart is made from love
I know he's looking down my son
He sees you from above

Tuesday, 25 August 2015


She killed him in the hallway
Her tiny frame she used
Tired of all his nonsense
And being so abused

He’d come home for his dinner
The meat defrosting on the side
He’d started asking questions
And once again, she’d lied

The coolness of the winter
Stopped the meat from getting soft
He was taking off his overcoat
When she held the meat aloft

Twenty years of torture
They had never crossed a bridge
She slowly bent to pick it up
And placed it back into the fridge!

Monday, 24 August 2015


When chaos reigned and times were hard
I’d visit my special place
Cocooned by trees and hanging vines
With spider webs of lace
The peace and silence hurt my ears
But still helped me to think
Sat on grass and broken sticks
While sipping on a drink
I felt so safe and comforted
By the quiet and the calm
Each bush and piece of shrubbery
Was holding tight my arm
This place kept me from falling
Into a pit of great despair
My seat upon the dirty floor
A relaxing easy chair
Hidden from the outside world
My thoughts would be more clear
Safe in Mother Nature’s womb
Allowed to shed a tear
I wish I had that place again
To go to every day
But it is back in childhood
And much too far away

Sunday, 23 August 2015


I walked into the kitchen so many years ago
And there upon the lino was porridge oats, like snow

Arranged around the worktop, pushed firm against the wall
The kettle, cups and saucers, like soldiers standing tall

My father washing cutlery in a sink of boiling pans
Too hot for him to handle so he couldn’t use his hands

He fished each one out slowly with the end of slatted spoon
And lined them up so neatly to join the rest of the platoon

He then had sprinkled porridge around the edges of the floor
And when I asked him why, he said “ I was in the war”

Saturday, 22 August 2015

The View

Her view was blocked by washing
Piled high up on a chair
She couldn’t see behind it
And didn’t know what could be there
She thought it may be earrings
Or the money that she’d lost
Or was it those old work boots
That she’d taken off and tossed?
It could be a pack of biscuits
Or an empty can of beans
The scarf she had been looking for
Or that dirty pair of jeans
She struggled to see round it
So she knew it must be moved
She needed to see behind there
So her theories could be proved
She carefully started digging
And came across a shelf!
The more she moved the washing
The more she could see herself!
That was where the mirror went”
She thought inside her head
I thought it fell down from the wall
And lodged behind the bed”

Friday, 21 August 2015

A Letter...

A letter starts with Dear...whoever
And often talks about the weather
It mentions Uncle Jim or Dad
And moans a lot about someone bad
This one is written to myself
With wishes for better mental health
Asking if I knew a time
When everything was just fine..
What was the trigger that sent me mad
Being told that I was bad?
I'd write and say, "It's not your fault"
I keep opening wounds and adding salt
I'd write and offer myself a friend
Who'd hold my heart and help it mend
I'd ask myself to please be kind
In dealing with my irrational mind

Thursday, 20 August 2015

When we were young....

Cigarettes were cheap as chips, they came in packs of five
At school they gave us warmish milk, now it's five alive
Our sweets were bagged up by the ounce, bon bons and sugar mice
Instead of playing Mario, we simply rolled a dice
We wore our siblings hand-me-downs and bathed just once a week
Now if you wear the wrong thing, you are regarded as a freak
We dowsed ourselves in smells of Brut, as Henry Cooper said
And ate lots of carbohydrates and we revelled in white bread!
We went to town on Saturdays, watched a movie for the crack
But instead of paying entry, we just sneaked in round the back
Now you need a TV with surround sound booming out
And fifty million DVD's with speakers all about!
Why can't we be contented with the simple things in life
Be happy with our fortune and not covet thy neighbours wife!

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

For Tracy..

Camera poised, she lights up the dark
breathing life into the city streets
She stops a moment from running away
With a single click, time stands still.
Her camera is a sketchbook
And she is but a messenger,
Relaying moments she has captured.
She photographs people's souls
And finds beauty in concrete...